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    Important Dates

    2023-2024 Registration OPEN 

    School Registration


    Before you register your child for school, enter your address in the school locator tool to find out which school's attendance area you live in Address Check.  You can also call our Board at 519-452-2000 to confirm which school your child will attend.

    If you are in our school boundary and would like to register for school, please click on the link above.

    Attendance Reporting

    If your child is going to be late or absent you may report this to the school by calling 1-844-305-3756, using the School Messenger App on your smart phone or online.

    Cell Phones Prohibited

    Electronic devices pose a number of major concerns for school staff and students involving safety, privacy issues and disruptions to instructional time. Photography and video capture are strictly prohibited on our school property. Ashley Oaks Public School does not assume responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices. Non-compliance by the student may result in disciplinary actions.

    Thank you for your support.

    The Ashley Oaks team.

    We are now on Facebook and Instagram!

    Check us out at: Ashley Oaks Public School - Home | Facebook

    or @ashleyoakspublicschool

    Don't forget to check us out on Twitter! Ashley Oaks PS (@AshleyOaksPS) / Twitter

    © 2023 , 121 Ashley Crescent, LONDON . Tel. 519-452-8040, Fax 519-452-8049, Email: ashleyoaks@tvdsb.ca, Superintendent: J. Beynon, Trustees: L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill

     @AshleyOaksPS  @ashleyoakspublicschool   @ashleyoakslondon