Thames Valley District School Board approves attendance area changes following Oxford North Attendance Area Review

Posted On Wednesday April 24, 2024

On April 23, 2024, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees approved Administration’s recommendations to balance enrolment at elementary schools located in north Woodstock, Innerkip, Blenheim and Zorra Township.

The decision will enable the school board to establish an attendance area for a new $25.6 million elementary school and child care centre in north Woodstock. Future boundary changes will also allow Thames Valley to address residential growth and accommodate students closer to where they live.

The changes will take effect upon the opening of the new Woodstock school, which is expected to be completed January 2026 for the 2025-2026 school year.

Thames Valley is grateful to the attendance area review committee for their input into the process and recommendations.

Please see below for a list of motions. You may also visit

Oxford North Attendance Area Review Motions Carried

THAT the attendance areas for Hickson Central PS, Innerkip Central PS, Blenheim District PS, Northdale PS, and Central PS as shown in Appendix A to the March 19, 2024 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review be approved and that this take effect for the date of opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school;

THAT the attendance area for the new north Woodstock elementary school as shown in Appendix A to the March 19, 2024 Final Attendance Area Review Report for the Oxford North Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review be approved and that this take effect for the date of opening of the school;

THAT the North Woodstock Holding Zones be dissolved for the date of opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school;

THAT students who will be in Grade 8 in the year of implementation of the attendance area changes and their siblings at Zorra Highland Park PS, Hickson Central PS, Innerkip Central PS, Blenheim District PS, and Central PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at their current school, with transportation (if eligible) for the duration of the school year of implementation only; and

THAT current students and their siblings residing within that portion of the Northdale PS attendance area designated to Central PS be provided with the “legacy agreement option” to remain at Northdale PS and that this take effect for the date of opening of the new north Woodstock elementary school


© 2023 , 121 Ashley Crescent, LONDON . Tel. 519-452-8040, Fax 519-452-8049, Email:, Superintendent: J. Beynon, Trustees: L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill

 @AshleyOaksPS  @ashleyoakspublicschool   @ashleyoakslondon